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Book of Abstracts

11th IFOAM
Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996
Copenhagen, Denmark

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Organic Farming: Implications for Rural Extension Services S28

Chander, Mahesh

Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar-263I38 U.P., India

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Organic Farming is being increasingly seen as the potential means of sustainable agricultural production globally. The rapid expansion of organic product markets in Europe and other developed nations along with the growing consumer preferences for the organically grown health foods, besides, broader environmental benefits are reasons enough to pay more attention on organic farming practices and their effective dissemination to the producers. The input intensive agriculture responsible for »Green RevoIution« is gradualy loosing its charishma for its health and environmental effects. Thus, it is imperative that the appropriate sustainable organic agriculture practices be documented, researched, developed, and transferred to the farmers. Besides, the consumers also need to be sensitized to the benefits of organic foods. Unfortunately, the extension agencies are still engaged with the transfer of input-intensive farming practices mainly in poor developing nations where the iformation gap at the farmers' level is very wide, Moreover, the governments as yet in these countries seem relatively less sensitive to the issues like sustainable agricultural production particularly through promotion of organic farming practices. The extension services as also the government policies, thus, need to be re-oriented towards organic farming for the sustainable agricultural production and living in developing countries, in particular. In this paper, the author has suggested ways and means for the promotion of organic farming and development of organnic markets through better producer/consumer awareness keeping extension services in focus.

Busetto, Bradley (1993): Conversation with the counter-revolutionaries. Ceres, The FAO Review No.144 (Vot 25, No.6), November-December, p. 19-23.

Hill, S.B. and MacRae, Rod J. (1992) : Organic Fanning in Canada. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 39, p. 71-84.

Rai, Saritha (1994): Healthy Growth: Organic Foods. India Today, Vol. 19, No. 15, p. 94-95.