ifoam'96 ifoam'96
Book of Abstracts
11th IFOAM Scientific Conference
11-15 August 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
EcoWeb Denmark


On-farm Research and Field Demonstration. P3; 72

Schenke, H. & Köpke, U.

Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Bonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany

In this project agricultural science (Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Bonn), extension servive (Chambers of Agriculture in Rhineland and Westphalia) and 13 private organic farms cooperate to 1) optimize organic farming systems by scientific research, 2) transfer scientific results directly to the agricultural practice, 3) improve quality of advisory services for organic agriculture in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
The project is based on decentral on-farm research (Köpke et al., 1995). The involved farms are distributed all over NRW and integrate a wide range of different types of farms - mixed farms, vegetable producing farms and livestock breeders - in their typical local region. Through intensive contact between all cooperating partners problems of current pratical interest can quickly be incorporated to local scientific work. On the other hand, scientific results can be transfered into practice immediately.
Field trials of factorial designs are supported by demonstration fields. Scientific results are proved under different regional and climatic conditions and if necessary, modified for the integration into the individual farm organisms. The decentral scientific trials and demonstration fields on the 13 organic farms are available for regional advisory services. In addition the farmers themselves contribute to spread knowledge of specific farming techniques from one farmer to the next.
The main research topics of the first two years were seed quality of grains, organic manuring, weed control and grass/clover seed-mixture-ratios for different use (maximized N2-fixation, optimal feedstuff). First results were presented and discussed with interested organical and conventional farmers in field meetings and conferences.
This concept to extend knowledge concerning organic farming and to offer sites for demonstration and discussion simultaneously is regarded to establish and strengthen organic agriculture in NRW more efficiently.

Köpke, U.; Engelke, F.; Schauder, A. & Schenke, H. (1995): Vorstellung des Konzeptes Leitbetriebe im Organischen Landbau. In: Tagungsband 3, Wissenschaftstagung zum Ökologischen Landbau, Universität Kiel. 21-23 Feb 1995. Wissenschaftlicher Fachverlag Giessen. pp. 261-264.